Westfield Washington Schools updates learning plans, food service schedule

Westfield Washington Schools (WWS) administration team, principals and COVID-19 response team have been meeting (virtually) to discuss the plans for the upcoming weeks. WWS has issued information regarding the WWS learning schedule, technology and food service.

This information will also be posted on the district website under COVID-19 updates.

An announcement by the school district said, “We have a solid learning plan for the weeks ahead and we will utilize both eLearning and waiver days. We want to thank you for your flexibility and cooperation as we navigate this challenging time. Please remember, we do have learning plans in place through April 13 and those plans remain the same. To view those plans, visit the district website.”

Here is the plan from April 13 to May 1:

  • Monday, April 13: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day
  • Tuesday, April 14: eLearning day
  • Wednesday, April 15: eLearning day
  • Thursday, April 16: eLearning day
  • Friday, April 17: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day
  • Monday, April 20: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day
  • Tuesday, April 21: eLearning day
  • Wednesday, April 22: eLearning day
  • Thursday, April 23: eLearning day
  • Friday, April 24: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day
  • Monday, April 27: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day
  • Tuesday, April 28: eLearning day
  • Wednesday, April 29: eLearning day
  • Thursday, April 30: eLearning day
  • Friday, May 1: Waiver day; no student lessons; teacher planning day

Food Service

WWS will now be able to provide meals for students seven days a week Additionally, the district will be able to provide meals over spring break In order to make these adjustments, there have been some changes to the delivery schedule and pick-up location.

Starting Monday, March 23, the new schedule until further notice will be:

Mondays & Thursdays

(Three breakfasts and three lunches in each sack on Mondays, four breakfasts and four lunches in each sack on Thursdays)

Pick up location at Monon Trail Elementary School (19400 Tomlinson Road) will be from 11 a.m. to noon and from 5 to 6 p.m.

Bus #1/Area 1

  • North Glen: 11 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Casey Acres: Noon to 12:30 p.m.
  • The Commons of Maple Knoll Apartments (500 Bigleaf Maple Way): 1 to 1:30 p.m.

Bus #2/Area 2

  • Hamilton Square Apartments: 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Valley Farms: Noon to 12:30 p.m.
  • Carmel Landing: 1 to 1:30 p.m.

Bus #3/Area 3

  • Eagletown Westfield Playhouse (1836 State Road 32): 11 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Christ Community Church (20854 Lamong Road): Noon to 12:30 p.m.
  • Hortonville United Methodist Church (20500 Horton Road): 1 to 1:30 p.m.

There will be a technology staff member at all food pickup locations to answer any questions you may have concerning technology and eLearning. The staff member will not be on site during spring break.

Student Access/Devices

WWS will provide a device and broadband access to any family in need during the school closure. If you need a device, broadband access, or technology support, please call (317) 867-8087 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Wellbeing Coalition

During this unprecedented time, WWS understands there are many families struggling and in need of supplies or other necessities, and many people who want to help.

The City of Westfield, Westfield Schools, Westfield Education Foundation, Westfield Washington Township, Student Impact, Youth Assistance and Open Doors have collaborated and created a resource “hub” for Westfield families. The Wellbeing Coalition website will serve as that hub and will house information and resources for all families and it also includes ways you can help. It’s full of great information for all families. Check it out and please share with your neighbors.

You will be receiving communication from your school(s) with eLearning details for the upcoming weeks. As always, please reach out to your student’s teacher with any questions or concerns.