Westfield Washington Schools (WWS) has announced an across-the-board, 2 percent pay increase for all non-certified staff, including instructional assistants, maintenance, groundskeeping, tech staff, front office support staff and bus drivers. Employees in these positions got a raise of at least 2 percent, or if they have already topped out on the pay scale, were given a 2 percent stipend.
Chris Baldwin, human resources director for Westfield Washington Schools, said the school district wanted to send a strong message to staff.
“It’s important that our staff know we value them and the hard work that they do for our district, for our students and for our community,” Baldwin said. “These people are the backbone of our district, and as the largest employer in the city, they are the backbone of our community.


Westfield Washington Schools’ Chief Financial Officer Brian Tomamichel says local legislators had an impact on this move.
“Thanks to our Indiana general assembly for prioritizing funding for public education,” Tomamichel said. “With the funds provided, we were able to ensure that our pay remains competitive so we can retain and attract the most qualified and talented people.”
Tomamichel, Baldwin and the WWS administration is preparing to enter into negotiations with the Westfield Classroom Teachers Association with the intention of extending these pay raises to teachers as well.
About Westfield Washington Schools
Westfield Washington Schools is the fastest growing school district in the state. In 2020-21, with an “A” rating from the Indiana Department of Education, WWS enrolled nearly 8,600 students across six elementary, one intermediate middle and high school. The district employs more than 600 teachers and nearly 250 support staff. Westfield High School is ranked in the top 3 percent nationally by U.S. News and World Report, and has a graduation rate of 98.3 percent with 86 percent of its graduates continuing onto higher education.
For more information on Westfield Washington Schools visit wws.k12.in.us.