Westfield Washington School reinstates student consumable fees

As part of Governor Holcomb’s 2023 Next Level Agenda, the General Assembly adopted HEA 1001-2023, which impacts school corporations’ ability to charge parents/guardians for curricular materials; it does not address other students’ fees.

For the 2023-24 school year, Westfield Washington Schools made the decision not to charge parents for student fees while the Indiana Department of Education worked to provide school districts with guidance on the impact of the new law. This decision had a significant financial impact on the district as it was not reimbursed for the cost associated with consumable classroom supplies.

For the 2024-25 school year, Westfield Washington Schools has reinstated student fees for consumable classroom materials, which is acceptable by Indiana law. District officials appreciate the patience and understanding from parents as the district worked through this new legislation and its impact on WWS families and schools.

2024-2025 Consumable Fees

This year’s consumable fees have been posted to students’ PowerSchool account. All fees should be paid in full by Feb. 1, 2025. Please log into PowerSchool to pay. Device repairs will be added as they occur.

For middle school students, the majority of their fees have been added to PowerSchool. Due to the many schedule changes, all special class fees will be added the week of March 24.

Westfield High School trimester 1 fees and trimester 2 fees have been added to students’ PowerSchool account. Trimester 3 fees will be added the week of March 3.

If you would like to sign up for a payment plan, please email luedkes@wws.k12.in.us. Invoices have been sent to the email address provided in PowerSchool. You will need your student ID to open the invoice. Fees can also be viewed and paid through your parent PowerSchool account. Please know there is now a .041 percent processing fee to pay with a credit card.

If you would like to pay by check, please make sure you have your student’s name in the memo line. Cash and check payments should be sent to this new address:

Westfield Washington Schools
Attn: Accounts Receivable
19500 Tomlinson Road Suite B
Westfield, IN 46074

1 Comment on "Westfield Washington School reinstates student consumable fees"

  1. William Taylor | December 14, 2024 at 7:41 pm |

    Paying via CC is a US given, Why change a fee to collect student fees on time ???

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