On Tuesday, the Westfield Washington School Board of Trustees voted 5-0 to change school day start/end times beginning with the 2019-20 school year.

“This is a change we have been considering for some time,” said Westfield Washington Schools Superintendent Dr. Sherry Grate. “The scientific data on students’ sleep patterns and brain development overwhelmingly supports moving the school day back for older students, and moving the day up for younger students which allows more time for instruction during their optimal learning time. While we know this will be an adjustment for some of our families, we feel strongly that we need to do what’s right and what the research overwhelmingly indicates leads to student success.”
Neighboring school districts, including Zionsville Community School and Noblesville Schools, have made or are in the process of making such a change to their school start times. Districts locally and across the country that have adjusted their school schedules to allow for a later start for secondary students have reported:
- Student academic gains
- Increased class attentiveness in the morning – fewer tired students
- Decreased tardiness
- Decreased rates of adolescent depression, anxiety, suicide ideation, obesity, automobile accidents, risk-taking behavior, and drug and/or alcohol use.
- Fewer disciplinary referrals
- A decrease in student mischief during after-school hours when parents are not home
- Parents indicating students are more pleasant at home
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions, or click here to view a video on the start time changes. For additional questions, please contact Kate Snedeker or Carrie Cason at comms@wws.k12.in.us.