Westfield voter unhappy with mayoral candidates not responding to Green Voters Guide questionnaire

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Dear Editor:

Development in Westfield is booming, though the one source of housing that is most in need, according to the Indiana Realtors Association, is low-income housing.

In addition to the problem of equitable housing shortages is my concern about the devastation caused by bulldozing acres of mature trees, such as at the corner of 161st Street and South Union Street for development. Animal habitat destruction, environmental degradation, and reduced ability to sequester CO2 by mature trees is apparently just fine for the right price. When mature trees are cut down, it also leaves open space for invasive species to settle in and encourages sediment run-off.

If you are concerned about the environment in Westfield like I am, you want to make sure the City is doing everything it can by at least maintaining as many mature trees as possible. With that said, not a single mayoral candidate responded to the Green Voters Guide questionnaire (votersforagreenindiana.org/guide/2023-primary).

Apparently, it is just not a big concern. I will keep that in mind when I go to the polls.

Monica Cannaley

1 Comment on "Westfield voter unhappy with mayoral candidates not responding to Green Voters Guide questionnaire"

  1. Sheldon Barnes | April 14, 2023 at 10:25 pm |

    Ironically, if you ask Voters for Green Indiana to tell you more about who is behind their operations, they won’t respond to you.

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