Westfield voter encourages you to think green before going to polls

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Dear Editor:

I vote “green.” I vote for the climate, environmental protection, and the future for my children and my grandchildren.

At a recent candidate forum, the two Democratic candidates in my district, Josh Lowry and Joey Mayer, both admitted that climate change exists, expressed concern about Indiana’s abysmal air and water quality, and the need for Indiana to be a leader in clean energy by investing in solar and wind energy now.

Since neither of the Republican candidates attended the forum, I emailed Senator Jim Buck and Representative Donna Schaibley specifically about their support for solar energy in Indiana.

Senator Buck stated that “it is (his) hope that Indiana does nothing to inhibit the use and development of renewables across our state.” Unfortunately, he also voted to end net metering, which pays solar system owners a fair price for the excess energy they put back into the electric system, benefiting both their neighbors and the utility company which doesn’t have to generate as much electricity from dirty fossil fuels.

Donna Schaibley never responded to my email.

Before you vote, go to VotersForAGreenIndiana.org to see the candidates’ views, environmental voting records and campaign donations and VOTE GREEN!

Monica Cannaley