Westfield Schools begins new construction

(From left) PAC Referendum Co-Chair Jeff Boller, PAC Referendum Co-Chair Scott Willis, PAC Referendum Co-Chair Danyele Easterhaus, WWS Superintendent Dr. Sherry Grate, School Board Member Amber Willis, PAC Referendum Co-Chair Ashley Knott, PAC Referendum Co-Chair Danielle Carey Tolan, Principal Annette Patchett, WWS Chief Financial Officer Brian Tomamichel, School Board Member Duane Lutz, WWS Director of Human Resources and Safety Chris Baldwin, School Board Member Amy Pictor, WWS Director of Operations Joe Montalone, School Board President Dan Degnan and WWS Director of Transportation Nick Verhoff. (Photo provided)

On Tuesday, Westfield Washington School (WWS) District broke ground on construction and remodeling at Westfield Intermediate School and Westfield Middle School. The project is part of a $90 million new construction and renovation project occurring throughout several of the district’s schools.