Westfield Rotary Club celebrates 10 years

Founders of the Rotary Club of Westfield. (Front row, from left) Ken Kingshill, Judy Ford, Sandra Cunningham, John Kerr, Steve Hoover, DeVon Yoho, Jeff Dahl and Cindy Olson. (Second row, from left) Jill Mead, Jeff Boller, Jim Ake, Jeff Dickison, Stacey Young, Melody Jones, Dave Sullivan and Brian May. (Third row, from left) Chuck Lehman, Dick Watkins, Mic Mead, Dave Reed, Gary Murray, Karen Radcliff, Dave Mueller, Kurt Wanninger, Bruce Watson and Mike Kearns. (Photo provided by Dave Mueller)

Rotary Club of Westfield celebrated its 10th anniversary on Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Historic Hoffa Barn in Westfield.

More founders of Rotary Club of Westfield. (Back row, from left) Jon Kerr, Dave Sullivan, Mic Mead, Jim Dahl, Brain May, Cindy Olson, Jeff Dickison, Joh Dobosiewicz, Ken Kingshill and Chuck Lehman. (Front row, from left) Steve Hoover, Sandra Cunningham, Jeff Boller, Kurt Wanninger and Mike Kearns. (Photo provided by Dave Mueller)

Over 50 people attended this special occasion. Many of the original chapter founders of this service organization were present to talk about how this club began.


Program Chairman David Mueller said, “It was a lot of fun, music and fellowship. Many past Rotarians who have moved away came back for this ‘flannel and jeans party’ in the historic 1855 barn.”

Rotary serves many needs in the community, including Open Doors food pantry, Student Impact, Youth Assistance, Midwest Food Pantry, the Sensory Garden, an international exchange student program, and it supports the Rotary Interact Club at Westfield High School.

The theme for the evening was to celebrate the Rotary International Foundation project of eliminating polio throughout the world. It was recently stated by Bill Gates in the Wall Street Journal that there are only 31 known cases of the disease left in the world. In one generation, this crippling disease has been almost eliminated. Rotary International has donated over $1 billion to help this worthwhile cause.

Both men and women are invited to be Rotarians. Rotary Club of Westfield meets at 7:30 a.m. every Tuesday morning at the Bridgewater Club.


Past Presidents of Rotary Club of Westfield. (From left) John Kerr, Kurt Wanninger, Brian May, Cindy Olson, Bruce Watson, Dave Reed, Dave Mueller, Gary Murray and DeVon Yoho. (Photo provided by Dave Mueller)


Mic Mead and Mary Beth Mueller dance to a country song by musician John Stevens, Jr. (Photo provided by Dave Mueller)


Bruce Watson and his wife Barbara. (Photo provided by Dave Mueller)