Westfield reader joins Democrats over Roe v. Wade

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Dear Editor:

I have a confession.

I’m a recovering Republican and now a proud member of the Democratic Party.

There were many issues that took me on this journey, but the last straw was the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. I just had my first daughter in 2021, and my husband and I wanted to have another child in the future. But with abortion banned in Indiana, I questioned if growing my family was safe here. Will my local OBGYN in Carmel provide the care I need? Will I have to travel to Illinois if I miscarry (since one in five pregnancies end that way) and need an abortion for my second wanted pregnancy?

I was a proud Republican who believed in small government and keeping the government out of our personal lives. But inserting the government into women’s healthcare decisions is the opposite of small government.

The men making decisions about women’s reproductive freedoms will never be pregnant and will never understand the physical, mental, and emotional weight of carrying a child.

Jennifer McCormick, Josh Lowry, Matt McNally, and Destiny Wells trust Hoosier women, and that is why I trust them with my vote and the future of Indiana.

Racheal Bleicher

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