Westfield poker tournament pays out big

Congratulations to Donna Schroder on winning the $10,000 First Prize in the 2018 Fall Lions for Sight Poker Tournament. Schroder bested a field of near 300 for the win in the Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. Westfield Lions Club Treasurer Keith Sandborn, Poker Co-chair Brian Abraham and Past President Gary Smith presented the $10,000 check to a smiling Donna Schroder. (Photo provided)

The Westfield Lions Club held its semi-annual Texas Hold ‘Em “Poker for Sight” Tournament on Friday, Nov. 16 and Saturday, Nov. 17 at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. The tournament had over 270 players participate in three qualifying sessions.

The Club paid out $25,000 in prize money with first place paying $10,000. Prior to each of the three qualifying sessions, the Westfield Lions presented checks to organizations the Club supports. The players were able to see and hear about how the proceeds from the tournament benefit the local community as well as organizations working in the United States and internationally.

At its “Poker for Sight” Tournament this past Friday and Saturday, the Westfield Lions Club presented checks to the Westfield Education Foundation (top), Open Doors of Westfield (middle) and the Lions Club International Foundation (above). (Photos provided)

The Westfield Lions Club presented Carrie Larrison, Chairperson for the Open Doors of Westfield’s Thanksgiving Food Giveaway, a check for $500. Each year the Westfield Lions Club supports this project that feeds more than 250 area families at Thanksgiving. Open Doors puts together food baskets that contain all the items and ingredients for a Thanksgiving dinner. Lions Mike Birk, tournament chair, and Keith Sanborn, Club treasurer, presented the check.

The Westfield Lions Club also presented Jan Skinner, Executive Director of the Westfield Education Foundation, a $4,000 check. Presenting the check were Lions Bob Benson and Don Russel. Both of these Lions are spouses of retired Westfield Washington School teachers. Each year the Westfield Lions Club donates $4,000 to the WEF to go toward grants for Westfield Washington school teachers. The grants help fund creative projects that enhance the learning experience for students.

The Westfield Lions Club is a big supporter of Westfield Washington Schools each year. Its support includes providing student scholarships, paying for Westfield High School students to attend the Hoosier Girls State leadership conference, paying for Westfield Middle School students to attend the annual class trip to Washington, D.C., donating Webster Dictionaries to every third-grade student, sponsoring the WHS LEO Club, and various other donations for special events the students participate in.

The third check was presented to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) for $1,000. This check will go toward LCIF’s disaster relief efforts around the world, including the recent hurricanes in the southeastern United States. Dan Wilcox, District 25-D’s Vice District Governor, accepted the check on behalf of LCIF. Presenting the check was Jeff Larrison, Westfield Lions Club secretary. In addition to disaster relief efforts, LCIF provides grants and donations to assist in efforts to address issues involving diabetes, hunger, the environment and childhood cancer around the world.

For more information on what the Westfield Lions Club does, or for information on how to become a Lion, please visit westfieldlions.org.