Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities launches Workforce Development Partner program to promote inclusion in the workplace

In an effort to increase workplace inclusion, the Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities (WMCD) is unveiling the Workforce Development Partner program. The program will formally recognize local businesses’ commitment to hiring, supporting, and retaining individuals with disabilities in the workplace.

“Statistics show that the unemployment rate for individuals with disabilities is nearly double that of people without disabilities,” said Nicole Southerland, Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities’ Chairperson. “Our goal with this program is two-fold: we want to recognize organizations who are already supporting the career goals of people with disabilities but also encourage businesses who haven’t yet engaged in inclusive hiring and retention practices to begin having crucial conversations about this topic.”

Members of the council will launch the program today, Saturday, Jan. 18 during the Westfield Winter Market by presenting West Fork Whiskey Co. with a workforce development partner program window decal to show they are a partner with not only the council through this initiative, but also the community. Carter’s Play Place will also be presented their decal, as part of their participation in the program, at a later date.


“Westfield is a community that welcomes everyone, including individuals with disabilities,” Mayor Scott Willis said. “We want to ensure our local businesses are adopting that point of view and that we are recognizing those who have already put in the work to be inclusive.”

Organizations interested in demonstrating their commitment to diversity and inclusion may participate in the partner program by undergoing a three-step process:

  1. Employment: Partners should currently employ one or more individuals with disabilities in their workforce.
  2. Training: Prospective partners should complete one or more of the training modules created by the Job Accommodation Network.
  3. Registration: After completing a training module, partners should register via the Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities website.

Benefits for participating in the Workforce Development Partner program include: a participant window decal; recognition on the WMCD website, discounts at events and trainings, and more.

For additional information, please visit the WMCD’s website at westfieldin.gov/wmcd.