Westfield Mayor Andy Cook announced on Friday he has initiated a review of all city financial practices and accounts. The financial examination, authorized under Indiana Code 36-4-5-7, is to begin immediately. The results will be delivered to the Mayor’s office upon completion.

“The Westfield City Council has talked about an audit of past city actions and operations and has done nothing,” said Cook. “Unfortunately, damaging, unfounded accusations have been made and spilled into the public commentary, specifically casting aspersions at the Westfield Redevelopment Commission (RDC) and Grand Park. It is time to end this and I am taking action to authorize a review of the RDC and Grand Park, as well as all City departments and offices.”
The appointees for this examination include individuals from the following organizations:
- BKD CPAs & Advisors;
- Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC; and
- Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP.
Cook says the appointees bring a well-balanced portfolio of experience and qualification to the process, including legal (both municipal and corporate), fraud investigation, forensic accounting services and municipal financing accounting and reporting. Their charge will be to undertake an operational study of the City’s processes and procedures as well as a forensic accounting review and data analysis of the City’s books and records.
Cook says the examination will be comprehensive and directly address the charges levied by members of the City Council.
“Westfield is a wonderful community and our residents expect the utmost of professionalism,” Cook said. “We owe it to our residents to ensure the utmost professionalism and competence in all matters of how we do business. We also owe it to our families and businesses to ensure our brand is not damaged by the unfounded political commentary of a very small group.”
Cook is directing absolute, complete and unfettered cooperation by all City employees and officers. A copy of the Certificate of Appointment, dated July 30, 2020, as well as Cook’s letter to the Westfield City Council, can be found at this link.