New Lions and their sponsors (from left) Lion Carrie Larrison, Judy Waldroup, DG Rocky Simpson, Jack Waldroup, and Lion Jeff Larrison. (Photo provided)
At the Westfield Lions Club’s July meeting, District Governor Rocky Simpson (Greentown Lions Club) inducted the Club’s 2024-2025 officers. DG Simpson was also able to initiate two new members into the Club, Jack and Judy Waldroup.
The meeting was held at the Club’s clubhouse located at 1101 E. 169th St. The building is currently in the middle of a renovation project that includes an expanded meeting room, full kitchen, ADA-compliant restrooms, a conference room, and added storage. Once the project is completed the building will be available for the public to rent.
The Westfield Lions Club, founded in 1930, is the longest-serving service club in Hamilton County. They are looking for men and women interested in helping make a difference in the community. For more information on the Westfield Lions Club, go to WestfieldLions.org.