Last Thursday, the Westfield Lions Club held its annual Christmas program for its members. The event, held at the Westfield Friends Church, featured a performance by the Westfield High School Signature Sound Choir, a delicious dinner, two donations to local groups, and a very special award.

Choral teacher Alison Wessel leads the Westfield High School Signature Sound Choir. (Photo provided by Westfield Lions Club)
Each year during the Lions’ Christmas program, members are asked to put financial donations in envelopes and place them on the Christmas tree. At the end of the evening the Club’s treasurer, Keith Sanborn, tallies up the donations. At that point the Club president announces a charity that will receive the money. This year the recipient of the donations was the Westfield H.S. Foodies – students who are part of a class that is learning the culinary trades. The Foodies also happened to be the caterer for the dinner that evening. Past District Governor Bob Benson, whose wife Flo taught home economics at the high school for several years, presented a $600 check to the Foodies.

Past District Governor Bob Benson presents Bryan Ferreira, Westfield H.S. Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher, with a check for $600. (Photo provided by Westfield Lions Club)
During the program a second donation was made to Prevail of Central Indiana. After the Lions’ recent “Poker for Sight” tournament, the winner, Jake Outcelt, elected to donate the value of the winner’s leather jacket ($250) to an organization that supports women and children in need. With the help of the Lions, Outcelt picked Prevail as the recipient of his donation. The Lions then added another $500 to his donation to make the total check $750.
To cap off the evening, the Lions presented one of its members with a W.P. Woods Fellowship award. W.P. Woods was an Indiana Lion from Evansville and the first president of Lions Clubs International in 1917. This special award, presented to Lions for their willingness to go above and beyond to serve others, was presented to Bill Nesbitt – a Lion who can always be counted on to volunteer for projects and serve others.
About the Westfield Lions Club
The Westfield Lions Club, established in 1930, is an organization made up of men and women who work to serve others. For more information on the Club or to find out how to join, go to