Westfield Lions & SOS Club team up to help Afghan refugees in Indiana

(From left) SOS Club President Hanna Dykema helps load up personal hygiene bags for Afghan refugees. Helping are Lions Jeff Larrison, WHS teacher Stephanie Rokop, and SOS member Fatima Djour. (Photo provided)

Westfield Lions Club

On Dec. 8, a great group of high school kids joined with the Westfield Lions Club to fill personal hygiene bags for distribution to Afghan refugees here in Indiana.

Lions Club Secretary Jeff Larrison delivered some 300 bags provided by the students from the Service-Over-Self Club, along with a load of furniture gathered by the Westfield Lions, to Exodus Refugee Immigration Inc. of Indianapolis.

Westfield High School’s (WHS) Service-Over-Self Club is an all-volunteer organization of students who serve their community and learn life skills. The Lions’ Leo Club, a student affiliate group of the Lions, is part of the WHS program.

Lions International has a long history of reaching out to help refugees from all over the word. The Westfield Lions Club continues that tradition, joining with the youngsters in the Westfield area through the Service-Over-Self group at WHS.

“We are proud of the way the kids are getting involved with service,” Lion Jeff Schneider, the Leo Club coordinator, said. “The Lions’ motto is ‘We Serve’ and the students are doing just that.”

Exodus Refugee Immigration is an Indianapolis-based charity that is dedicated to helping refugees from over 50 nations get established in new homes right here in central Indiana. Currently many Afghan refugees have relocated here with a need for assistance.

The WHS Service-Over-Self Club is jointly sponsored by local Lions Club, Kiwanis and Rotary chapters in Westfield to provide hands-on service projects to build character and develop leadership skills with an educational twist.