Westfield Lions give 676 student dictionaries to elementary kids

Lions Club Secretary and Dictionary Project Chairman Jeff Larrison tells the kids about the Lions and the dictionaries. (Photo provided)

The Westfield Lions Club once again distributed dictionaries to every Westfield Public School third grader. The project provided 676 copies of Webster’s Dictionary for Students, containing over 40,000 word definitions, to the city’s six elementary schools.

MetroNet Westfield provided the sponsorship to this year’s project.

Photo provided

“We are so proud to be able to do this project,” said Jeff Larrison the dictionary chairman and Lions Club Secretary. “Just last week, a high school student, an alumnus of Westfield grade schools, told me he still uses his dictionary. That makes us feel we are helping to make a difference in their lives.”

Each book has a stamp with the Westfield Lions logo and a place for the kids to put their names. In many cases this is the first “adult” book the kids actually own.

Many Westfield teachers now build a curriculum around the dictionary distribution, which takes place every year in September. This is the eighth year the Westfield Lions Club has distributed dictionaries. Including this year, the club has given out a total of 4,776 dictionaries.

About the Lions Club

The Lions’ motto is “We Serve.” Local Lions Club programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues and many other programs. Lions Clubs International is a non-political service organization of over 1.7 million members worldwide, founded on Oct. 24, 1916 in Evansville, Ind.