Annual awards presentation & addition of another new member
Last Thursday, Oct. 5, the Westfield Lions Club held its 93rd anniversary dinner at the Friends Church on South Union Street. The event always includes the presentation of several significant awards, and this year included the induction of a new member.
Twenty-three Lions were awarded “perfect attendance” pins for the 2022-2023 Lions year. This included special recognition of Lion Ted Engelbrect (49 consecutive years) and Past District Governor Bob Benson (54 years) of perfect attendance.

Ted Engelbrecht with Dave Sobczak’s award. (Sobczak was unable to attend.) (Photo provided by Westfield Lions Club)
Dave Sobczak was awarded the Richard Miyamoto Fellowship award for his outstanding work organizing and developing the plans for the renovation of the Club’s new clubhouse. Along with the countless hours he’s spent on this, he’s a tireless volunteer at the Club’s numerous service projects.
Two Lions received Lions Clubs International’s top honor: the Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) award. Lions Mike Birk and Keith Sanborn each received their second MJF award, making them “progressive” award winners. Birk’s extensive work developing the Club’s new foundation (Westfield Lions Foundation) positions the Club to do even more in the community with the funds they can raise. Sanborn has served as the Club’s treasurer for several years and has done an outstanding job. He has also been involved in virtually all the Club’s service projects.
The Roy O. Hadley “Lion of the Year” award was presented to Lion Carrie Larrison. Although she has only been a member for about 10 months, she has a been serving alongside the Lions for over 15 years. Since joining the club, she has recruited four new members and has taken on the responsibility of organizing the Club’s meetings (including meals). Her service work goes beyond just the Lions Club. She is on the executive board for Open Doors Food Pantry and oversees the “Weekend Food Bag” program, the Thanksgiving Food Project, and the Christmas Food Project. She definitely sets the example for how to serve the community.

Carrie Larrison receiving the Lion of the Year Award from Ted Engelbrecht. (Photo provided by Westfield Lions Club)
The Club added a new member, Steph Meyers, to bring the roster to 63 members. Past District Governor Bob Benson handled the induction ceremony and welcomed her into the Club. She joins her husband, Chris Bluto, as another husband-and-wife Westfield Lion combo.
The Westfield Lions, established in 1930, continue to look for men and women interested in making a difference in their community. Go to to find out more and how to become a member.