Westfield, Heights girls golf win Wednesday duals

The Westfield girls golf team defeated Ben Davis 158-181 in a Wednesday dual meet at South Grove Golf Course.
Jocelyn Bruch led the Shamrocks with a one-under par 34 and medalist honors. Grace Snyder followed with 38, followed by Allie Hildebrand 42, Alli McEvoy 44 and Natalie Shupe 45. Also competing as individuals tonight were Cate Jensen with 37, Brette Hanavan 46 and Megan Barker 46.

Hamilton Heights beat Elwood 218-255 at Bear Slide on Wednesday.
Kate Biggs led the Huskies with a score of 46. Alyx Harley added a 56, Rebekah Steffen carded a 57 and Ellie Arrowood scored 59.