Westfield finds connection through culture & cuisine

A family-friendly festival: Fernando and Angélica Magaña, both of Carmel, had a fun day experiencing other cultures with their children. (Reporter photo by Amy Adams)


Westfield Welcome held the third annual Cuisine Connect Culture festival at Grand Junction Park last Saturday afternoon, Sept. 16, presented by Centier Bank.

Incorporating music, food, dance, crafts, and more, the gathering celebrated many ethnicities in the area. Attendees could collect flag stamp stickers at booths promoting products and food from countries as diverse as China, Jamaica, and Poland, then select a prize at the Westfield Welcome tent once they filled their passport.

This year, for the first time, the Indianapolis Children’s Museum brought the Take Me There: Greece traveling exhibit to the Cafe Pavilion. The display gave guests access to information about Greece and hands-on activities involving the alphabet and architecture.

The event provided a stage for cultural music, dancing, and storytelling from the Indianapolis Chinese Community Center, Inc., Epiphany Dance Collective, Ballet Folklorico Mosaicos, Indy Sewa, and Celtic Motion with Indy Celli Band.

The next Westfield Welcome event will be Barktoberfest presented by First Community Bank from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7 at Asa Bales Park.

To find out more, visit WestfieldWelcome.com.

Cuisine Connect Culture
Sue and Amelia
Mosaico Dancer
Westfield Welcome hosted Cuisine Connect Culture last Saturday afternoon at Grand Junction Park.

Reporter photos by Amy Adams