Westfield Democrats: we should vote in our own primary

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Dear Editor:

It’s been suggested that Democrats should vote in the Republican primary to avoid the least bad options from the other side.

We disagree: Democrats should vote for Democrats on May 7.

We have two contested Democratic primaries in 2024: U.S. Senate and U.S. Congressional District 5. Westfield also has hard-working Democratic candidates Josh Lowry (House District 24) and Matt McNally (House District 39) in two of the most competitive state house races in Indiana. A vote for Josh or Matt in the primary is something they can point to when seeking support from local community leaders and organizations.

In the last few elections, we’ve proven Democrats can win in Westfield: 42.8 percent of the vote for president in 2020, 47.6 percent of the vote districtwide in House District 39 in 2022, 49.5 percent of the vote in a city council district in 2023.

We’re no longer lonely blue dots.

Today, local Democrats can vote for candidates who share their values and see those candidates elected to public office.

When casting your ballot on or before May 7, do more than vote against what you fear. Request a Democratic primary ballot and vote for what you believe.

Westfield Democrats Club