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Westfield Washington school leaders are teaming up with the city of Westfield to make new security changes ahead of the new school year.
On Thursday night, parents learned about the upcoming additions at a school safety symposium.
One change includes adding police substations at every school. That means a normal officer who is not assigned as a resource officer can write their reports inside a school.


Superintendent Sherry Grate said, “It’s about building relationships. It’s about making sure our students are connected, whether that’s a club or a sport, other students or adults.”
Todd Burtron, chief of staff for the city of Westfield, said, “We’re just continually raising awareness among the community that safety is first and foremost. An ongoing dialogue not only in the community but with our school leadership, it’s something we’re going to continue.”
The district also plans to add live camera feeds to patrol cars so officers have eyes on the hallway at all times.
School leaders are also hosting a new “parent university” on Wednesday, Aug. 1 to get parents caught up with the changes.
The district recorded the symposium for people to watch online.