Westfield City Council’s “rush to judgement” on SR 32 improvement project

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Dear Editor:

On Monday, March 22, I arrived at the Westfield City Council meeting intending to hear the outcome of an agenda item – a development across from the Grand Park Events Center.

Upon arrival, I discovered that the City Council had added three items to the agenda late that afternoon, one of which was titled “Ordinance 21-21: An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Westfield.”

This ordinance has been written by this council with the intent to terminate the State Road 32 project – a project the city and the Indiana Department of Transportation have worked on together for years to solve the traffic problems associated with getting through Downtown Westfield, for which the City Council offers no alternatives.

This is happening without any feedback from the traveling public who find themselves stuck in traffic in front of Big Hoffa’s on the east or at the traffic circle on the west waiting to clear downtown traffic at Union and SR 32.

This introduction was delayed until April, so if you want to see this traffic solution happen, contact you city councilor with your opinion of Ordinance 21-21. Their contact information is available on the city website at westfield.in.gov in the staff directory listed in the department, “City Council.”

What say you, Westfield? Do you want to see the city infrastructure improve or stay the same as it is now?

It’s our choice.

Ron Moore
