Westfield businesses invited to participate in online economic development survey


The City of Westfield and the Westfield Chamber of Commerce strive to attract and grow businesses locally and are supported at the regional level by the Indy Partnership, a business unit of the Indy Chamber.

The Indy Chamber is currently updating its regional economic development strategic plan and wants to get input from businesses around the nine-county region, independent of membership.

If you would like your business to be represented in the data used to craft the next iteration of a regional plan, please take a moment to complete the survey at surveymonkey.com/r/AccelerateIndy2021.

It will be open until Friday, May 7.

The survey is intended for business owners, heads of local operations, and C-suite leaders who make decisions. You may also share this survey with others in your organization’s leadership if they might have an additional perspective based on their unique role. All responses will be confidential.

The survey results will be aggregated for the community. The community’s responses will then be aggregated into a regional data set, which will inform the economic development strategic plan of the Indy Chamber and its business units around the nine-county Indy region.