Weingarten to Senators Young, Braun: You’re reason for broken supply chain

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Dear Editor:

Senators Young and Braun published a letter to the Supply Chain Disruption Task Force expressing their deep concern over supply issues.

Maybe they should look in the mirror. They have tried to block the infrastructure bill that addressed many of the long-term relief needs and instead expect people to snap their fingers and the magic genie would add docks, storage, trucks and expanded highways and rail lines to appear.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of being highly critical, they start to work with others across the aisle and we could get more things done. So far, they seem to feel it is more important to act against their constituents and make political noise time and time again instead of solutions.

Joe Weingarten


1 Comment on "Weingarten to Senators Young, Braun: You’re reason for broken supply chain"

  1. Valid points Joe.
    The suggestion of cooperation is hilariously quixotic given these times, but at least it’s a positive notion.
    The thing is though – the Infrastructure bill would have already been signed into law if not for the Democrat’s propensity to eat their young in the form of the senator from W. Virginia.

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