Weingarten: Reporter should stop giving Rokita free press

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Dear Editor:

The Hamilton County Reporter many times carries press releases from AG Todd Rokita. Maybe it is time for the Reporter to stop being part Mr. Rokita’s propaganda machine. Mr. Rokita is now running for Governor, instead of waiting for two years from now.

Why should we be very concerned about Mr. Rokita? He is doing things to get his name in the press and not for the people of this state. His trip to the southern border, not the Ohio River but the Rio Grande. Then the trip was paid for by you and me and we need to ask what value was this trip to Hoosiers? Then while down south he made a side trip to a political rally. Again, on state money, should government funds be used for an elected official to go on a pleasure trip and a political rally?

We keep seeing him do things over and over to get his name in the press in some outlandish ways. For example, his recent fight with conservative commentator Abdul-Hakim Shabazz in claiming he is not “credentialed media.” While I don’t agree with a lot of Mr. Shabazz’s positions I find the AG’s attempt to block him to be a direct violation of the constitution and freedom of the press. He claims he has to stop him because he trades in “rumors, gossip and blatant innuendo.” Does that mean he would bar all of the commentators on national broadcasters at Fox and those from MSNBC or CNN. OK, he would not bar Fox. Now this fight is in the courts and the odds are Mr. Rokita will lose and we the taxpayers will pick up the bill.

Maybe we need to remind Mr. Rokita he works for the people of this state and not for himself and his quest for higher office. It could start with the Reporter telling him to keep his partisan press releases.

Joe Weingarten


3 Comments on "Weingarten: Reporter should stop giving Rokita free press"

  1. Agreed — His email of the hour on what he has done just got him blocked for me.

  2. Asking the Reporter to do the very thing that you find to be objectionable seems odd ..

  3. I respected most of your posts here, Joe. Not this one, not by a long shot. This by you is laughable, obviously driven by your hate and your comment is as political as the posts you purportedly resent. “Reporter” is a paid advertisement channel used by every politician within a 100 miles. Then again, so is Star now if you’re a liberal that is. Yet you complain only about a republican. Unsurprising.

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