Wayne Township Board President responds to board candidate Brandy Bast

Dear Editor:

The following letter was written as response to a letter from Wayne Township resident Brandy Bast published in the Saturday, Oct. 6 edition of the Hamilton County Reporter.

Hi Brandy,

I saw your recent letter to the editor in the Hamilton County Reporter. I appreciate your desire for more transparency and think you are right about making budget information more readily available to the public.

As explained at the Sept. 27 Wayne Township Board Meeting, budget information is available online at gateway.ifionline.org.

There is also a link to the gateway site on the Township’s Facebook page, Wayne Township Hamilton County.

I have asked the Trustee’s office to update the FB page with more specific instructions regarding which section of the site to reference. In addition, I have asked the Trustee’s office to post future scheduled Wayne Township Board meetings on the Facebook page.

It has been refreshing to have the public at recent meetings, as it is a rarity that only occurs during election cycles.

Thank you for asking good questions so we can continue to make our local government even better.

Stacy Mahan

President, Wayne Township Board

1 Comment on "Wayne Township Board President responds to board candidate Brandy Bast"

  1. Eric Morris | October 6, 2018 at 10:38 pm |


    Did you check gateway? Probably not, since it is not posted until after you approve it. Maybe your legal counsel Christine Altman would know that.

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