Targeting advanced manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, construction
The Hamilton County 21st Century Talent Region Team, in cooperation with Invest Hamilton County, will hold a Virtual Career Fair from 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13. The Career Fair is specifically targeted to job seekers looking for work in the Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, Hospitality, and Construction industries.


“Our research shows that these industries have a significant need for workers to fill open positions,” said Carol Sergi, Director of Workforce Strategy for Invest Hamilton County.
As Robert Kneberg with HCWIN explained, “Hamilton County companies are beginning to increase hiring as we transition to a post-COVID economy so companies can get ahead of the curve by joining this virtual hiring event.”
Many Hamilton County employers have career path, in-demand positions available. Many of the employers will provide the necessary training or apprenticeships required to retrain or secure a new degree, credential, or certification.
Companies participating include Beck’s Hybrids, SMC Corporation, Riverview Hospital, IMMI, Kahn’s Catering, and Select Senior Care, among others.
The free Virtual Career Fair will provide one-on-one chat or video conversations with company representatives. Companies and job seekers interested in participating can learn more and register at For more information, contact Robert Kneberg at or (317) 914-0171.