Veteran Service officer relieved of duties

Hamilton County Veteran Service Officer Lynn Epperson has been relieved of her duties, and county commissioners have posted the job seeking a replacement.

Epperson served for five years in the office, which exists to offer all county veterans of military service assistance with their benefits and other needs they may encounter.

Commissioner Steve Dillinger said yesterday the commissioners’ main concern was a failure of the office “to follow through” with requests for assistance from veterans. He said the situation was brought to his attention by state Veterans Affairs officials.

Epperson was given 30 days to correct operations, but this was not accomplished. She left office Dec. 2. Two part-time assistants are taking care of business until a new officer is hired.

The service office is located in the county Government and Judicial Center, first floor, and is open daily to accept calls or visits from veterans or their families who may have any type of questions relating to veterans’ needs.

Epperson, a Noblesville resident, was appointed by commissioners in 2014 succeeding Wayne Long, who operated the office part-time with the assistance of deputy service officer and commissioners’ receptionist Dianna Lynch.

2 Comments on "Veteran Service officer relieved of duties"

  1. Bye bye

  2. John Hillard | December 19, 2019 at 8:21 am |

    Let’s get that office out of the broom closet in the Judicial building and back in the old Court house. John Hillard

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