
Veteran Matt McNally is officially the Democratic nominee for State Representative in the 39th House District. A veteran of Afghanistan and a former Naval aviator, he retired from the military in 2022 after 22 years of service.
“I am honored to be the Democratic nominee for the 39th district.” McNally said. “I’m running for State Representative for the same reason that I joined the military: a desire to serve my country and serve Hoosiers.”
McNally is an airline pilot, a board member of the Westfield Kiwanis Club, and the Senior Vice Commander of VFW Post 10003 which serves veterans throughout Carmel, Fishers, and Westfield. This is his second time running for House District 39, losing to now retiring incumbent Jerry Torr in 2022.
“When I first ran for State Representative in 2022, my campaign engaged with more than 30,000 members of our community and I was able to hear firsthand the values they want represented in the statehouse,” McNally said. “Again and again, I’ve heard that our legislature is not prioritizing the things that truly matter to Hoosier families. I look forward to continuing those conversations this year, connecting with even more residents of the district, and striving for a government that listens and works for all of us.”
McNally and his wife Brooke have two children and live in Westfield.
Learn more about the candidate at