Verizon to “pause” rollout of 5G tower installations in Fishers neighborhoods

The City of Fishers has been told by Verizon the firm plans to “pause” the rollout of 5G towers into Fishers neighborhoods.

In a message sent to subdivisions with pending or tabled 5G permits, the city says “it is our understanding that Verizon will not apply for any new residential permits for a few months.”

Verizon has told city officials the company plans to concentrate on a fiber optic buildout. The company also says it plans to come back to the city for more 5G towers in mid-2021.

The message to neighborhoods provided the following information:

  • All tabled or pending applications and permits are now considered withdrawn. If your neighborhood was scheduled at an upcoming Board of Works meeting, these agenda items have now been removed.
  • Tabled or pending applications and permits will likely be submitted again at a later date. At that time, the City intends to restart the permit process from the beginning, meaning you will have another opportunity to review placements and discuss locations with Verizon Wireless and City of Fishers.
  • This does not mean 5G implementation has stopped in the city. Several 5G towers, located in public right of way outside of neighborhoods, will undergo permitting and construction into 2021. Additionally, approved residential permits may be constructed within neighborhoods in 2021.
  • Verizon Wireless has shared that it intends to re-launch its implementation of 5G in Fishers neighborhoods mid-2021.