Uninformed voters mean more election campaign spending

The County Line

We are entering a new election season, and many people will bemoan the fact it is a time when political candidates spend huge amounts of money to try to buy an election through those obnoxious TV ads, phone calls and other gimmicks. And, often times the candidate with the most money wins.

This happens in election campaigns at both the national and local levels. The targets of campaign spending are the uncommitted voters and those who would likely not vote but for the constant barrage of advertising, much of it negative. And, it works.

Although readers of this newspaper and other publications probably make up their own minds who they will support, unfortunately many do not make an informed decision.

So, this vast part of the general public has no one to blame but themselves for the endless spending by politicians trying to influence them.

And, the rest of us are subjected to the propaganda. But, there are small things we can do about it. We all have friends, neighbors and family members who may not be informed on political issues. We can encourage them to become informed. And, there will be debates and candidate appearances offered by civic groups and service clubs. We should take advantage of the opportunities.