Two Westfield firefighters complete probationary year

Photos provided by Westfield Fire Department

The Westfield Fire Department (WFD) congratulates Logan Sallee and Zach Abbott on the completion of their probationary year as firefighters.

(Above left, shown at right) Salle was born and raised in Greenwood, Ind., and began his career as a civilian paramedic in 2014 with Wayne Township FD. He then became a firefighter at Crawfordsville FD and transferred to WFD as a lateral in 2021. He and his wife Lexi and their two children live in Markleville.

(Above right, shown at right) Abbott was born and raised in Huntington, Ind., where he began his career in fire service with Huntington FD in 2016. He came to Westfield as a lateral in 2021. He lives in Westfield with his wife Mary and their two children. Thank you both for your commitment to serve the people of Westfield.