Two Noblesville voters endorse Jensen for mayor

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Dear Editor:

As time draws near for the election of Noblesville’s next mayor, Tammy and I wanted to let you know that we are voting for and endorsing Chris Jensen for Mayor of Noblesville.

While I, Kevin, served on the Noblesville School Board I saw Chris’s leadership and commitment to our city, schools and community on a consistent basis. One day in particular, I saw Chris stand in the gap for our community.

That day was May 25, 2018, the day of the shooting at Noblesville West Middle School.

As School Board President, I spent countless hours with fellow civic leaders and our incredible staff that day in the aftermath of the shooting. One of the first community leaders I saw that day was Chris Jensen. Chris was there for us that day and continued to offer support in the days and weeks afterwards. Chris was present then and continues to be so. That is Chris, and that is leadership.

We encourage you all to get out and vote in the election. There are so many vital races in the community this May, and these local elections often have a greater impact on our lives than any national election may have. Thank you to the countless candidates who have put their names into the process. It is very encouraging to see so many in our community willing to serve. Thank you!

Chris Jensen cares greatly for all of Noblesville, and we strongly believe Chris is the best and clear choice to lead Noblesville in the years to come as our next mayor.  He has our votes.

Kevin and Tammy Kalstad


1 Comment on "Two Noblesville voters endorse Jensen for mayor"

  1. Jack Saberson | April 24, 2019 at 2:44 pm |

    So another Political insider and supporter of Ditslears corrupt regime comes forward out the the crevice to help out Ditslears hand choosen replacement. As a former school board president and friend of Kozicki it makes sense. Two Ditslier connected people with no chance of winning run for Mayor to assist Ditslears chosen candidate and split the vote 4 ways knowing Jensen has all of Ditslears money and connections to win a 4 way race, but wouldn’t stand a chance running one on one with Mike Corbett. When will people see through the dirty Ditslear created local swamp. People need to vote for new people, not connected longtime politicians like Jensen and Kozicki. Time will tell. #MAGA

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