Helping Hamilton County food pantries & summer lunch programs
On Saturday, June 1, we Packed the Cruisers!

Pack the Cruiser at Hazel Dell Kroger: Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank volunteers Mike McCloughan, Brad Lewis, Carol Howard, and Noblesville Deputy Chief Jason Thompson collecting on June 1. (Photo provided)
Thank you, Hamilton County, for helping provide over 18,950 meals for Summer Lunch programs across Hamilton County. Nine Kroger stores and six police and sheriff departments came together with the Summer Lunch Programs to provide needed food for kids. This was the seventh year for Pack the Cruiser locally, and together 19,640 pounds and $6,271 was donated.
Thank you to all the Kroger store personnel, police officers, and program volunteers who helped out with this effort. Thank you to the Summer Lunch program providers who take on a huge undertaking every summer.
Click here to see a video about Pack the Cruiser 2024.
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Saturday, May 11, was the 32nd annual National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.
Across Noblesville, Fishers, Westfield, and Carmel, over 54,010 pounds of food was donated from our generous community. This is the equivalent of 45,008 meals provided, all coming at a time of year where much of the food is being purchased by food pantries and food banks to keep up with the need.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Thank you to the NALC Union 888 and all the postal workers who picked up and carried all the donated food. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped fold bags and who helped unload and load all the donated food on the day of the Food Drive.
For additional information about how to find needed food support anywhere within Hamilton County, visit