Two Deputies receive Lifesaving Awards

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office is proud to work with its steadfast staff and courageous community partners to help save lives.



Sergeant Dan DeYoung received two Lifesaving Awards for his swift action in two separate events. In both situations, Sgt. DeYoung administered Narcan (opioid antagonist) to the individuals to help provide lifesaving measures. Sgt. DeYoung’s quick actions resulted in the preservation of life for both individuals.

Deputy Daniel Wallace also performed lifesaving measures on an individual in Hamilton County. The rescue involved the use of Narcan, CPR and a department issued AED (automated external defibrillator). These critical components paired well with Dep. Wallace’s training and experience. Naturally, Dep. Wallace also received a Lifesaving Award.

Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush said, “As an agency, we have worked hard to provide Deputies with the appropriate training and equipment for medical emergencies. These two Deputies proved that our investments could have incredible outcomes to those in a crisis.”

All deputies are trained in CPR and the administration of Narcan. Each Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicle is also equipped with an AED and first aid kit.