Try a little patience and kindness


From the Hart

Patience is a virtue.

Somewhere in the pandemic, society seems to have lost it.

We, as a people, have been so used to getting what we want and in the time we expect it that we have lost our ability to wait … and wait well.

Walk into a busy restaurant and watch the servers scurrying to take care of their customers. You can often see the anxiety on their faces.

Watch the faces of the customers. You can tell which ones left their patience at home.

Try a little kindness – overlook the slowness of the overworked worker who showed up to do their job. You might read that and hear the music of one of Glen Campbell’s songs … “Try a Little Kindness.”

Watch the look on a server’s face when you reassure them that you are OK with the wait. They are so used to being admonished for the wait that you might just stop them in their fast tracks as they actually hear a compliment.

You might even compliment them on how they are handling their overly aggravated customers. Reassure them they are but ONE person, often doing the job of many.

In the next few weeks, businesses will be especially busy. Bring your wallet and the best of your fa-la-la-la-la spirit and share it with those who are serving you.

I have little cards that I often leave on the table. They say “I see you.” I write a note on them to thank them.

It’s so simple to include a few kind words on my receipt. Those few words might be the bright spot of their having a not-so-nice day.

Criticism is a side-effect of the pandemic. I’m talking about criticism on steroids. One bad experience and it’s all over social media. Get a grip, people. Don’t hurt a business because you didn’t get your sunny-side-up eggs perfectly sunny in the three minutes you expected it.

Okay, it’s a short sermon I am preaching today.

Take a chill pill next time you have to wait. It’s the best medicine for the people who are serving you. Slather on a little kindness and bask in the virtue of patience.

And all the people said … Amen.