Tots & Paws 2021 blesses both human, fur kids

Tots and Paws Chair Teree Bosso (left) along with Jennifer Dant of the Humane Society for Hamilton County. (Reporter photo by Denise Moe)


Tots and Paws Chairperson Teree Bosso did a fantastic job as usual in organizing and leading her team in this month-plus-long, multi-venue and events endeavor that is “Tots and Paws.”

A total of 3,211 toys were collected for Toys for Tots, and over $30,000 was raised for the Humane Society for Hamilton County (HSHC) and the donations keep coming in.

This is Bosso’s seventh year running the events and this was the biggest year ever with the most money raised and the most toys collected.

“I truly want each and every one of you to take a bow,” Bosso said. “You all played a role in Tots and Paws, and I appreciate each and every one of you. When you wake up Christmas morning, think how many kiddos will be believing in Santa Claus and many animals we are helping out. It’s truly not what’s under the tree, it’s about what we can do to help others.”

HSHC is one of very few open-admission, truly no-kill shelters in the country. HSHC believes every animal deserves a chance to live, love and be loved regardless of age, breed, special medical needs, or disabilities.

HSHC’s mission is to save lives, educate communities, and complete families. Because of the remarkable team and supporters like Teree Bosso, HSHC is building a brighter future for both Hamilton County and Hoosier animals.

Click here to donate to the Humane Society for Hamilton County.