The Simply Give program is now at the Noblesville Meijer, located at the Stony Creek Market Place at 17000 Mercantile Blvd.
Now through Sept. 30, your $10 donation at checkout will provide meals for hungry people in Hamilton County. Plus … don’t miss Double Match Day today, Saturday, Sept. 9 – your $10 donation will become $30!

Here is the typical amount of food HCH Food Bank purchases every two weeks, which costs about $2,000. (Photo provided by Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank)
Through a partnership of over 11 years with Meijer, Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank purchases 50 percent of its food needs year-round from the grocery store chain. This makes your monetary donations even more important.
Of course, you can donate anytime online at, and the food bank will take your donations to one of the Double Match Days this summer.
Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank provides resources for folks in need across the county. If you need food assistance, click here to see a list of food panties organized by town. The list is current as of June 7.

Here are some of the volunteers who unpack, sort, and prepare the food for pantries and meal programs HCH Food Bank serves. (Photo provided by Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank)