To My Siblings,
Losing our mother has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever faced in my life. But Mark and Vicky, having you both has helped tremendously.
Not everyone has siblings to help when a parent is declining. I’ve talked to friends who are only children who have to bear all of the responsibilities – 100 percent. I’ve also talked to people who didn’t have supportive siblings for one reason or another.
It doesn’t matter that you both live in Florida while Mom and I were up here in Central Indiana. You were still with Mom and me over the last 5 ½ years.
Vicky, I know you called Mom every week, if not even more. You did research on various topics and were there to lend an ear when I needed it. You made every visit with Mom count and you brought her great joy.
Mark, with you at the helm, everything with Mom’s finances, insurance, and later, with her viewing, funeral, and estate, has gone smoothly. I never had to worry about much in that department. I know Mom treasured your visits and calls.
Time and time again, when people asked me, “Is it just you here taking care of your mother?” I corrected them – “No, I’m not alone at all. My siblings help a lot.”
Thank you for being the best brother and sister a gal could ever have. I love you so much.
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To My Central Indiana Friends,
I know many of you were surprised that we only had a viewing and funeral up in Mishawaka (near South Bend.) Mom lived in that area for most of her 89 years and her plot is up there. My siblings and I decided it was best to have everything, at one time, in Mishawaka.
Many of you also felt bad that you couldn’t take time off work to make the drive and come up. I hope you believe me when I say that I never would have expected that.
You all have been with me during the years leading up to Mom’s death with hugs, comfort, and a listening ear/shoulder to cry on. Some of you met Mom when she lived down here and helped her when we needed a dog sitter, furniture mover, etc.
You have been checking on me with texts, emails, calls, cards, and visits both before and after the funeral. Your sweet flowers and gifts warm my heart and are already helping it heal. And I know you’ll continue to help me in the months and years to come as I grieve. You definitely “have my back.”
That’s all I need, Guys. I had plenty of family and friends by my side at the viewing and funeral, including my best friend Stacey who only lives an hour away from Mishawaka. As they say, it’s “all good.”
Thank you for being the most wonderful friends a gal could ever have. I love you so much.