Anyone who is a parent knows the concept of longing for time to slow down. The old saying is so true that the days are long, and the years are short.
Sometimes it’s so easy to get in the weeds with the daily grind and then you look at one of your children and notice they don’t seem as little as they once were. Even though they are completely reliant on you for their overall well-being and every need, they somehow are just a little older and those photos you look at while scrolling your phone become easy to notice their many physical changes.
My children are both at exciting milestones with their academic careers right now. My son is beginning preschool, and my daughter is ready to take on kindergarten. Their classrooms are next door to one another, and my classroom will be just down the hall. Pat picked out a Buzz Lightyear and Woody backpack, and Mary chose a Disney princess backpack with matching lunch boxes, compliments of Grandma. They are both so excited and ready to embrace their school year. My daughter cannot wait to wear her uniform jumper, which she has now calls her “kindergarten dress.”
I pray this year is one that helps them grow and blossom. I hope they not only make friends, but also, I hope they choose to be good friends to others. I hope that when they pass each other in the hall that they try to sneak in a quick hug. I hope the excitement they both feel when they see me as a staff member in the hall does not subside. I hope they come home with new stories and an excitement for learning.

New backpacks for a new year! (Photo provided by Megan Rathz)
I hope they know that even though my classroom is right down the hall, and I am so excited to have them with me every day, that a little part of my heart will be broken just knowing that they are not as little as they once were.
I know how pivotal these young years are in school because they will determine the attitude my children have for school. I hope that they both have a love of learning, develop pride in their school, grow in their faith, and share an excitement to be part of a community that I have loved for many years.
I know I will not always be right down the hall from my kids. I know I cannot always fight their battles. For now, I will walk the delicate balance of mom and teacher, knowing that I am so glad I can keep an extra eye on them and make sure they are OK. There will be a time when I cannot be a few doors down from them. For now, I will relish it.
Everyone with older kids will tell you that it goes by quickly. I know this is so true and that is why sometimes I wish I could hit pause and let them be this little forever. I want them to be sheltered from this world in their innocent bubbles before life grabs them. I know that while my kids are headed to preschool and kindergarten that there is a mom who is dropping her child to college, or, sending away to the military, and I am sure that mom remembers when her little one was just as small as my kids are now.
May this be a good school year not only for my own children, but for everyone who has a student or teacher that they love beginning another year and hoping it is one that they are happy, safe, and healthy.
Megan Rathz is a wife, mother, and teacher. She says everything she has ever learned in life came from her Master Gardener mother.
What a sweet article. Time truly does go by too quickly. You’re children are lucky to have such a loving and caring Mother.❤️