The annual Mudsock swim meet finished in a split decision on Thursday.
Hamilton Southeastern hosted Fishers for the dual competition, with the Tigers girls and the Royals boys winning their respective divisions. The Fishers girls team was victorious 105-81, while Southeastern’s boys were winners by the score of 100-86.
In the girls meet, the Tigers won seven of the 12 events. Jo Jo Ramey was a double winner in the 200 freestyle and 100 backstroke. Corinne Yorkman finished first in the individual medley, Ellen Fero paced the 50 free, Diane Koo led a 1-2-3 Tigers sweep in the butterfly and Abby Jahns won the 500 free.
“I think our effort from start to finish was outstanding,” said Tigers coach Joe Keller.
Fishers finished the meet with a win in the 400 free relay, swam by Ramey, Jahns, Yorkman and Hannah Pratt.
“Anytime you win a meet and you only win one relay, there’s something to be said about that,” said Keller.
Southeastern won the other two relays, with Abby Harter, Kennedy Fisher, Dabin Jung and Bri Saple teaming up for a first-place medley relay finish. Fisher, Saple, Molly Pedersen and Kayleigh Witt won the 200 free relay. Royals individual winners were Sarah Ballard in diving, Pedersen in the 100 free and Fisher in the breaststroke.
In the boys meet, Southeastern won nine of the 12 events, including a sweep of all three relays. Andrew Christopher, Andrew Truxall, Connor Harrison and Zack Bostock began the meet with a medley relay win; Bostock, Thomas Reising, Harrison and DJ Rogers teamed up for a 200 free relay victory; and Keegan Streett, Evan Sellers, Marcus Eden and Rogers finished things up with a victory in the 400 free relay.
Individual winners for the HSE boys included a double for Rogers in the 50 and 100 freestyles, Streett in the 200 free, Sebastian Otero in diving, Harrison in the butterfly and Justin Voelker in the breaststroke. The Royals finished 1-2-3 in the 50 free and breaststroke. Southeastern coach Andy Pedersen said it was a “good meet” for his team.
Fishers got wins from Kyle Ponsler in the IM and backstroke, leading a 1-2-3 finish in the latter event. Aaron Frollo was first in the 500 free.
Team score: Fishers 105, Hamilton Southeastern 81.
200 medley relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Abby Harter, Kennedy Fisher, Dabin Jung, Bri Saple) 1:48.58, 2. Fishers “A” (Jo Jo Ramey, Lydia Reade, Alexandra Stein, Ellen Fero) 1:48.78, 3. Southeastern “B” (Rebecca Ang, Katelyn Kertin, Kaleigh Stivers, Ashley Saple) 1:52.18, 4. Fishers “B” (Kalli Agapios, Kate Mouser, Abby Miller, Corinne Yorkman) 1:53.22, 5. Southeastern “C” (Olivia Harter, Anna Stolle, Olivia Kiley, Bella Goss) 1:55.83, 6. Fishers “C” (Charlie Ramey, Emily Pfeifer, Diane Koo, Emma Julien) 1:57.54.
200 freestyle: 1. J. Ramey (F) 1:52.93, 2. Molly Pedersen (HSE) 1:54.39, 3. Abby Jahns (F) 1:55.08, 4. Hannah Pratt (F) 1:55.52, 5. Kayleigh Witt (HSE) 1:56.85, 6. Ellie Pedersen (HSE) 2:01.81.
200 individual medley: 1. Yorkman (F) 2:08.94, 2. Reade (F) 2:11.49, 3. A. Harter (HSE) 2:13.79, 4. O. Harter (HSE) 2:16.15, 5. Stolle (HSE) 2:16.98, 6. Kenzie Pierce (F) 2:17.13.
50 freestyle: 1. Fero (F) 24.68, 2. Fisher (HSE) 24.74, 3. B. Saple (HSE) 24.93, 4. Grace Newton (HSE) 25.08, 5. Stein (F) 25.27, 6. Agapios (F) 25.63.
One-meter diving: 1. Sarah Ballard (HSE) 250.25, 2. Morgan Casey (F) 227.50, 3. Grace Mossing (F) 223.50, 4. Natalie Bryan (F) 195.30, 5. Gretchen Osmun (F) 185.85, 6. Hannah Justice (HSE) 174.25, 7. Alison Casey (F) 164.90.
100 butterfly: 1. Koo (F) 59.15, 2. Stein (F) 1:00.62, 3. Miller (F) 1:01.11, 4. Stivers (HSE) 1:01.67, 5. Jung (HSE) 1:02.23, 6. Kiley (HSE) 1:03.46.
100 freestyle: M. Pedersen (HSE) 52.57, 2. Fero (F) 53.37, 3. Mouser (F) 54.69, 4. B. Saple (HSE) 54.97, 5. Pratt (F) 54.99, 6. Newton (HSE) 56.63.
500 freestyle: 1. Jahns (F) 5:04.98, 2. Yorkman (F) 5:09.96, 3. Witt (HSE) 5:20.11, 4. C. Ramey (F) 5:25.11, 5. Sloane Gardner (HSE) 5:39.08, 6. A. Saple (HSE) 5:47.71.
200 freestyle relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Fisher, B. Saple, M. Pedersen, Witt) 1:37.52, 2. Fishers “A” (Fero, Agapios, Stein, Pratt) 1:37.99, 3. Fishers “B” (Mouser, Koo, Pfeifer, Jahns) 1:42.84, 4. Southeastern “B” (Newton, Amelia Vicory, A. Saple, B. Goss) 1:43.76, 5. Southeastern “C” (Ava Olson, Sarah Juffer, Paige Crawford, Jung) 1:46.76, 6. Fishers “C” (Miller, Amy Nguyen, Ashley Wyatt, Julien) 1:48.55.
100 backstroke: 1. J. Ramey (F) 58.80, 2. A. Harter (HSE) 59.64, 3. O. Harter (HSE) 1:00.59, 4. Ang (HSE) 1:02.29, 5. C. Ramey (F) 1:03.06, 6. Koo (F) 1:03.36.
100 breaststroke: 1. Fisher (HSE) 1:06.17, 2. Reade (F) 1:07.16, 3. Mouser (F) 1:08.23, 4. Kertin (HSE) 1:09.66, 5. Stolle (HSE) 1:11.68, 6. Pierce (F) 1:11.73.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Fishers “A” (J. Ramey, Jahns, Yorkman, Pratt) 3:35.00, 2. Southeastern “A” (M. Pedersen, Witt, Newton, A. Harter) 3:36.46, 3. Fishers “B” (Agapios, Miller, C. Ramey, Reade) 3:45.62, 4. Southeastern “B” (E. Pedersen, Vicory, Crawford, Juffer) 3:45.85, 5. Southeastern “C” (Camille Joesten, Jung, Makana Goss, Stolle) 3:58.40, 6. Fishers “C” (Wyatt, Megan Mybeck, Callie Shine, Pierce) 4:05.24.
Team score: Hamilton Southeastern 100, Fishers 86.
200 medley relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Andrew Christopher, Andrew Truxall, Connor Harrison, Zack Bostock) 1:37.37, 2. Fishers “A” (Logan Ayres, Reed Beaumont, Bruno Kitazuka, Kyle Ponsler) 1:40.04, 3. Southeastern “B” (Marcus Eden, Justin Voelker, Thomas Reising, Holden Kesler) 1:43.04, 4. Fishers “B” (Izzy Harding, Daniel Bennett, Jude Bragdon, Sean Deimling) 1:44.42, 5. Southeastern “C” (Owen Armstrong, Matt Truxall, Ethan Forbes, Ryan Harrison) 1:48.60, 6. Fishers “C” (Nicholas Viola, Alex Garcia, Isaiah Ortiz, Nathan Bradford) 1:52.23.
200 freestyle: 1. Keegan Streett (HSE) 1:42.48, 2. Jackson Carlile (F) 1:43.32, 3. Tyler Schwertfeger (F) 1:46.54, 4. Evan Sellers (HSE) 1:47.00, 5. Connor Carlile (F) 1:49.85, 6. Logan Hess (HSE) 1:56.88.
200 individual medley: 1. Ponsler (F) 1:57.10, 2. Aaron Frollo (F) 1:58.03, 3. C. Harrison (HSE) 2:01.15, 4. Harding (F) 2:02.12, 5. Eden (HSE) 2:02.72, 6. Voelker (HSE) 2:07.27.
50 freestyle: 1. DJ Rogers (HSE) 21.51, 2. Christopher (HSE) 22.01, 3. Bostock (HSE) 22.43, 4. Deimling (F) 23.87, 5. Keaton Chop (F) 24.47, 6. Garcia (F) 24.61.
One-meter diving: 1. Sebastian Otero (HSE) 278.15, 2. AJ Ricafort (HSE) 253.80, 3. William Jansen (F) 243.65, 5. Paul Keller (F) 178.45, 5. Gabe Ruiz (HSE) 170.40, 6. Noah Ebeyer (HSE) 161.00, 7. Ethan Weiss (F) 145.75.
100 butterfly: 1. C. Harrison (HSE) 52.82, 2. Kitazuka (F) 53.81, 3. Christopher (HSE) 53.98, 4. Reising (HSE) 55.08, 5. Bragdon (F) 57.52, 6. Chop (F) 1:00.33.
100 freestyle: 1. Rogers (HSE) 47.15, 2. J. Carlile (F) 47.49, 3. Schwertfeger (F) 49.86, 4. Bostock (HSE) 49.96, 5. Ayres (F) 50.75, 6. Hess (HSE) 52.08.
500 freestyle: 1. Frollo (F) 4:44.42, 2. Streett (HSE) 4:51.25, 3. Sellers (HSE) 4:53.07, 4. C. Carlile (F) 4:56.65, 5. Kitazuka (F) 5:04.66, 6. Alex Kaminski (HSE) 5:32.70.
200 freestyle relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Bostock, Reising, C. Harrison, DJ Rogers) 1:28.34, 2. Fishers “A” (J. Carlile, Ayres, Schwertfeger, Frollo) 1:30.52, 3. Southeastern “B” (Christopher, Hess, Sellers, Streett) 1:30.62, 4. Fishers “B” (Bennett, Chop, Deimling, C. Carlile) 1:34.90, 5. Southeastern “C” (A. Truxall, Kesler, Skyler Listenfelt, Kaminski) 1:36.44, 6. Fishers “C” (Bragdon, Chris Tran, Ortiz, Ben Russell) 1:43.46.
100 backstroke: 1. Ponsler (F) 53.40, 2. Ayres (F) 56.22, 3. Harding (F) 56.25, 4. Eden (HSE) 56.27, 5. R. Harrison (HSE) 1:00.94, 6. Charlie Rogers (HSE) 1:05.41.
100 breaststroke: 1. Voelker (HSE) 1:01.87, 2. A. Truxall (HSE) 1:02.03, 3. Reising (HSE) 1:02.40, 4. Bennett (F) 1:03.33, 5. Beaumont (F) 1:03.41, 6. Garcia (F) 1:05.15.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Streett, Sellers, Eden, DJ Rogers) 3:11.34, 2. Fishers “A” (J. Carlile, Schwertfeger, Ponsler, Frollo) 3:12.32, 3. Fishers “B” (Kitazuka, C. Carlile, Chop, Bennett) 3:25.72, 4. Fishers “C” (Deimling, Bragdon, Garcia, Harding) 3:29.70, 5. Southeastern “B” (Hess, Noah Haines, Forbes, Voelker) 3:32.15, 6. Southeastern “C” (R. Harrison, Kaminski, Laith Qadan, C. Rogers) 3:41.57.

The Fishers girls (above) and Hamilton Southeastern boys (below) were the team winners at the Mudsock swim meet, which took place Thursday at the Royals’ aquatic center. (Richie Hall)