Have you ever thought about the three people who have been the stars in your life?
Who are the three people who believed in you, perhaps more than you believed in yourself? Three people who mentored you and who made a difference in your life.
The three good souls who walked along your journey with you, encouraging, guiding, and helping you navigate the hard times.
Perhaps it’s time you tell them. Perhaps this year you have your own gifts of the Magi.
Every year, for over 40 years, my husband has created a Christmas project in his woodworking shop to give to family and friends. This year’s project comes with a thought and challenge.
Three single stars represent your people. People who made life better. People who inspired, challenged, and believed in you. This took time and intentional effort for them to make a difference in your life.
Perhaps there is more to this project. What if you were the star that made a difference?
What if you spoke into someone’s life? Maybe a note of encouragement. Maybe a phone call. What about asking them to meet you for coffee?

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard
Three simple stars. Their light shines brightly in the lives of others … if they only are willing to show up, share their wisdom and walk what might be a very lonely road with someone.
The gift of wisdom is one that is so needed in a world of chaos and criticism. The gift of time when agendas are crammed with “to-dos.” The gift of showing someone the way to go and reassuring them they will not be alone.
The Magi were wise men. Let us not only recognize the Magi in our lives but be the Magi in the lives of others.
The gifts of the Magi continue to give. The gift of words may be the best gift anyone receives this Christmas. Who are your stars and to whom will you be a star?
Thank you, Chuck Leonard, for your gift of three simple wooden stars. You gave me this column and lots to ponder.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.