Thousands sign online petition to bring back Westfield High School principal

Westfield area residents, teachers, past and current students recently held a demonstration over the removal of Dr. Stacy McGuire as Westfield High School's principal. McGuire held the position for 17 years and led the school to U.S. News and World Report's top 4 percent ranking nationwide. (Photo provided by Victor McCarty)



A movement to bring back the Westfield High School principal is growing. In 24 hours, more than 500 teachers, parents and students added their names to an online petition.

There are now thousands listed. The school board appointed the principal to a different post after 17 years on the job.

Some Westfield residents say it’s a community movement. The high school has made headlines in the past but for good reasons. U.S. News and World Report ranked it a top 10 high school in the state and in the top 4 percent of all schools nationwide. Some say it’s all thanks to Dr. Stacy McGuire.

There’s talk about what’s to come at the corner of Hoover and Union streets.

“Is this moral?” Westfield High School Special Education instructional assistant Victor McCarty said. “Is this ethical under current circumstances?”

McGuire is now taking on a new role as administrator of Alternative Learning.

“We know that she would move heaven and earth for us, so that is why the community is rallying together in support of her,” McCarty said.

Photo provided by Victor McCarty

A petition to keep McGuire principal was created by 2020 graduates after the news broke. Now, there are more than 3,400 signatures.

“You know, when somebody has left an impact when you remove them from their position and nobody understands it and it was super unexpected,” 2019 Westfield graduate Kathryn Mick said.

McGuire’s mom left a comment on the petition.

“This speaks volumes on how important this is,” McCarty said. “Not only to Dr. McGuire but how long they have been a part of our community. Literally in her mother’s post she says they are heartbroken by this.”

The school board said in a press release McGuire would start her new role Monday to “develop, implement and oversee alternative student programs and services in alignment with district and state objectives.”

Mick says it’s a bit emotional.

“I still have two siblings who are yet to graduate and it’s sad that they are not going to be able to experience it with Stacy Mac,” she said.

On Sunday, a peaceful rally was held across the street from the high school. McCarty says close to 200 people packed Asa Bales Park.

“Support all around not just from former students, current students and current faculty and staff,” he said.

Speakers at the rally asked the school board to comply with four things: Call a special school board session to explain the decision and answer public questions, conduct a confidential survey of all faculty on the culture and leadership of the central office, ensure no employee gets reprimanded for speaking out, and not to extend the superintendent’s contract until after November and after voices have been heard.

Minutes after the rally ended, Superintendent Dr. Sherry Grate sent a district-wide email, saying, “Watching and reading what has transpired over the past several days is disheartening. The personal attacks and hatefulness toward school board members, administration and the superintendent only serves to further divide us.”

“The outcry is still there and people still want answers,” Mick said.

Statement from Westfield Washington Schools


“We understand the passion and support for Dr. McGuire. Watching and reading what has transpired over the past several days is disheartening. Disagreeing with decisions made by the superintendent and/or the school board is understandable and expected. However, the personal attacks and hatefulness toward school board members, WWS administration and the superintendent, only serves to further divide us.

“The situation pertaining to Dr. McGuire’s new role is a personnel matter. Privacy laws, for good reason, prohibit us from commenting on any details. We ask that you understand the limitations on what can be provided and respect the confidentiality of these decisions.

“Dr. McGuire has accepted this new leadership position. As a community it would be helpful to come together and support Dr. McGuire in her new role and the important work she will continue to do for our district and our community.

“We need to be able to disagree with one another in a productive way and set a positive example for our children. WE ARE WESTFIELD and our children deserve positive examples of civility in our amazing community. In Westfield – we are better than that.”

1 Comment on "Thousands sign online petition to bring back Westfield High School principal"

  1. Anonymous concern Westfield citizen and mom to WHS graduate.Westfield | June 18, 2020 at 12:40 pm |

    People, it’s a privacy law thing. If mrs. McGuire wanted to come forth and explain she could unless she has chosen not to do so. It may be something personal. Quit using only your emotions and not your brain. Wait for all the facts( if she wants to reveal them). If not leave it alone. The not waiting for all the facts and rushing in till you have them has gotten in the position our country is in today. Then people just start making things up and innocent people get hurt!

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