All polling locations removed from HSE Schools . . .
More than 30,000 voters in Fishers will have a new polling location for the Primary Election on Tuesday, May 7, as well as future elections. Hamilton Southeastern Schools asked that all polling locations within school buildings be moved due to security concerns.

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The 30 new polling locations were approved by the Hamilton County Commissioners on Monday, March 25. Most of the changes are in the Delaware-Fall Creek Township area. New locations have been secured in area churches and neighborhood clubhouses.
“If you have previously voted in an HSE school, you can assume you have a new voting location this year,” said Hamilton County Clerk Kathy Williams on Monday. “Bright yellow postcards are being mailed today notifying 31,000 voters of their new voting locations.”
If you do not receive a yellow card in the mail, you can find your new voting location at, or by calling the Election Office at (317) 776-8476. Click here to view a map of the Delaware-Fall Creek Township precincts.