Thoughts from the second row


From the Heart

Abigail Marie Baker, Noblesville High School Class of 2021. Headed to IU Bloomington to study Event Planning.

Alecksa Gabrielle Baker, IU Kokomo Class of 2021. Double major, Business Administration and Finance. Minor in Art History.

This is a letter to my grandgirls.

Dear Abby and Lexa,

I just want to share my thoughts with you as you are both graduating, one from high school, one from college.

You may not realize this but I have been on the second row of your life since the day you were born. Your parents got to be on the first row.

I will always be on the second row, cheering for you and being there for support. You may not see or hear me, but I am there.

The next few years will be full of decisions, crucial to the trajectory of your life. Now you must decide what you want to be, now that you are grown up. Who will you marry? Where will you live?

Choose wise people with whom you seek counsel but most of all listen to your gut. Just know that your gut is wiser than your heart.

Some decisions will be scary and will take a leap of faith. Be brave girls! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something you want to do. What if you fail? Oh, sweet girls, what if you succeed?

Some choices will be wrong, and that is okay. Never be discouraged when you must go to Plan B. Plan B may just lead to where you are destined to be. There have been lots of beautiful things I found in my Plan B.

Success isn’t all about money in the bank, the car you drive or the title you hold. It’s also about character, integrity and kindness.

People don’t always remember your accomplishments as much as they remember how you made them feel. Always leave people glad that you were a part of their life.

Here’s something I want you to keep in the back of your mind. Don’t settle. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel less than the person you are designed to be. If you are in a job, friendship or romantic relationship and the person is constantly belittling you … LEAVE.

If you ever need reminded of just how special you are, come sit at my kitchen table. There will always be comforting conversation for your hurting soul as well as comfort food for your empty belly.

What is discussed at my kitchen table, stays at my kitchen table.

When you were little, I took you to church with me because I loved you and I wanted you to know that Jesus loves you too. Your faith will sustain you through times when you doubt yourself and you may even doubt the goodness of God. That’s okay. There is nothing wrong with a heart-to-heart discussion with God.

Just know that more people live with regrets about things they did not do than things that they did do. Sometimes you have to do things with fear and trepidation and that is okay. Your Grandma Janet did that a few times.

Sweet girls, do things that make your heart sing. Invite people into your life who celebrate you. Embrace adventure.

Find the beauty in living in the moment and even better, the quiet moments where your soul finds rest.

Choose a career that makes you look forward to getting up every day. Listen to music and dance in your kitchen. Your happiness makes me smile.

If you ever feel a little lost and overwhelmed, you will find me on the second row of your life, and yes … I will be serving homemade chocolate chip cookies.