Thoughts from a broken crown

From the Heart

I have a new appreciation for nursery rhymes. I’ve changed them a bit in the past three weeks.

Janet fell down and broke her crown. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Janet back together again.

As I am slowly recovering from my fall I am learning a lot about broken bones and a broken noggin. I never paid that much attention to concussion protocol before I had one.

Time is my friend, but I would like it defined. Patience is a virtue but may not be my favorite one. “Be Still” is the beginning of one of my “go to” scriptures. I go to it more now.

I am a planner and for the past few weeks, nothing has gone as planned.

Do something. Rest. Do something else. Rest with an ice pack on my head.

Don’t lift over five pounds with my right hand. Use my left hand instead.

I am more of a person who lives their life like a fart in the wind. Here. There. Yonder.

I have the need to keep busy and fix things and care for people.

Now I am told to rest my brain and try not to think. Easier said than done.

I’ve been put in time out. My life is more like that of a constipated pause.

I’ve been told to reduce my stress. Try doing that when you are in the middle of a kitchen renovation and transitioning your mother into assisted living.

Add in the lovely(?) conversations with the (now former) pharmaceutical company and (now former) medical providers for my mother and then take my blood pressure. If only I could simply rewind some decisions without all of the paperwork.

If you guessed that my stress level has reached an all-time high, well, you hit the nail right on the head. (pun intended)

Try not to worry about my mother. Try not to worry about being off work. Try not to worry that my new oven isn’t working. If I don’t succeed then I need to try, try and try again.

And then my brain hurts.

I’m sitting here in my pajamas and it’s almost noon on Saturday. My “to do” list is in my poor little hurting head. It may be awhile before I cross most of them off.

So I will just finish this week’s column and leave you with another version of a nursery rhyme.

Janet wasn’t nimble. Janet wasn’t quick. It was water she tripped over and not a candlestick!