Sheridan’s Phi Beta Psi held their Euchre Party on Feb. 24 at The Studio on Main Street.

Mike Treida (left), who paid the pig the most, shown here with Cathy Good and Sue Treida. (Photo provided by Phi Beta Psi)
Appreciation was given to all members for the donations of food for the dinner. There were 32 players, and six additional people to assist with food and games. A total of $1,001 was donated with $100 given back to hostess Cheryl Merrill to help with her expenses for the evening.
The group voted and approved the purchase of a vinyl banner for hostess Cheryl to use for future community euchre games held at The Studio on Main Street.
Chapter member Cathy Good had the overall highest score of the night. Mike Treida paid the pig the most, and Sue Trieda and chapter member Judy Ottinger won the outhouse for the lowest scores.
Phi Beta Psi looks forward to co-hosting the annual community Pork Loin Dinner with Sheridan Lions Club from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 in the Sheridan Elementary School cafeteria.

(ABOVE LEFT) Cathy Good had the overall high score. (ABOVE RIGHT) Sue Treida and chapter member Judy Ottinger won the outhouse for the lowest scores. (Photos provided by Phi Beta Psi)