Theoris makes $5,000 donation to support homeless Hoosier veterans

(From left) Dave Lovell, President of Theoris; George Huntley, COO/CFO of Theoris; Scott Willis; Rick Penny, HVAF Board of Directors; James Sweeney, Colonel, USMCR (Ret.) and current United States District Judge for Southern District; and Stacey Willis. the Bridgewater Club during Scott Willis’s retirement party from the Marine Corps. (Reporter photo by Denise Moe)

Westfield’s own Scott Willis honored for 30 years in Marine Corps


Theoris, an Indianapolis-based IT and engineering consulting firm, recently recognized Scott Willis’ 30 years of service in the Marine Corps with a $5,000 donation to the Homeless Veterans and Families of Indiana organization.

Willis has a legacy of community service to veterans’ organizations, and Theoris felt its donation in his honor was a fitting tribute to his service and commitment.

Willis was presented with the honor during his retirement party held at the Bridgewater Club. He made the following remarks to those in attendance:

“Today I officially retire from the Marine Corps after 30 years of service. Retirement comes for us all eventually, and for many Marines, this day is compared to the coming of the Grim Reaper. I have absolutely been blessed with an amazing career that has spanned a portion of four decades. During this time period, I have traveled the globe, fought for this nation in times of war, and supported disaster relief operations in the homeland.

“I have been humbled to hold the commission of an officer of Marines. Humbled to lead Marines and Sailors. Humbled to serve this great nation. For those Marines I have served with throughout my career, thank you! My successes are a reflection of your hard work, effort and devotion to duty and I wouldn’t have made it 30 years without you.

“To my wife, Stacey Willis – you have been an absolute rock. You have kept the home fires burning in my numerous absences and I couldn’t have done it without you. The Marine Corps is hard on marriages for sure and many don’t last. However, you have shown unwavering love and support and I will be forever grateful.

“To my kids, I have missed way too many birthdays, holidays, school events, and games. However, I hope my service has been a source of pride to you and the lessons I have tried and instilled in you from my Marine Corps experiences will pay off as you grow into adulthood.

“Semper Fidelis!”