The feelings music can cause


Sheridan High School Student

The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

As I sat and wrote this column while listening to my favorite playlist, I was stumped as to what I should write about. Suddenly it hit me: music. Music can bring change, inspiration, and emotions to so many people.

The connections made from music are life-changing. Think about it: When you go to a concert there are so many people, all from different walks of life, but everyone is there for a common purpose, and that’s to listen to music. Someone might go to a music festival or concert and then meet people that they already have something in common with. Music brings people together.

Personally, music can cause me to become very emotional. I have memories attached to certain songs and musicians. My family listens to all kinds of music – pop, country, rock … anything, you name it.

When I was younger, I despised country music. My dad, however, liked it. I remember he would always play “Springsteen” by Eric Church. It became the first country song that I genuinely enjoyed. He would play it while he was cooking breakfast in the morning, on our way to the grocery store, or while we were outside during the summer. Now, whenever I hear that song, I think of my dad and summertime. It brings me a lot of joy.

Recently, my uncle passed away. He liked music as much as the rest of my family. His all-time favorite song was “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I have to agree; that song is very good. Even though I am a terrible singer, I belt that song out anytime I hear it. It reminds me of my uncle, and I will forever think of him when I hear it. Today, on the radio, “The Weight” by The Band played. This summer my uncle told me about how he loved that song and how that song was the song that caused him to like The Band. I couldn’t help but smile as I sang along.

Music has been a huge part of my life and will continue to be. I will always remember the memories I’ve made while music has been involved. Music can bring me back to a specific time in my life. I can hear a song and immediately feel the same as I did when the memory was made.

I don’t know a single person who doesn’t enjoy music. It is one of the most connective things I can think of. For the rest of my life, music will remain very important to me.

1 Comment on "The feelings music can cause"

  1. Scott saalman | February 6, 2022 at 7:19 pm |

    Well done. Keep writing.

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