The Feeding Team meets a veteran at local food pantry


The Feeding Team Feature

This month’s column is about a neighbor we met almost two years ago while stocking pantries in Northern Hamilton County. This was our first encounter with a veteran in need.

We have come to learn that much of Northern Hamilton County is a food desert, and meeting “Arch,” who was already at the pantry that Friday we learned a great deal more.

You see, Arch was a retired Navy veteran with a big, bushy, full beard. His hat proudly reflected his service in Vietnam – it was pristine and showed zero wear. He was dressed well, sporting full old-school suspenders, and he walked with the aid of a cane. Arch is in his eighties and lived alone in a small apartment nearby. He had no transportation but walks to the pantry every few days to collect meals.

He immediately engaged us as we walked up with crates of food to load. “Why are you doing this,” he wanted to know, “are you part of some church or are you just nuts?” He laughed as he asked the question. We answered his questions and explained what Feeding Team is about and our mission is to always have a meal available when any neighbor is hungry.

Arch explained that he has a pension, and after paying his rent and utilities, he was left with sightly over $100 to feed himself each month. Living in a food desert, he could get eggs and milk at the gas station but relied on the pantries to get meals. We thanked him for his service and helped him load up his bag with whatever he wished. Arch was both thankful and gruff. He appreciated the anonymity that the pantries afforded and at the same time resented his need for them.

It was disheartening to see a veteran living in Hamilton County in such a situation. We explained that hundreds of neighbors come together to support food-challenged neighbors just like him.

Arch and the thousands of other food-challenged neighbors in Hamilton County are why we do this. Many friends ask, “Why do this? What’s in it for you?” The answer is always the same: Serving people feeds my soul. It is a calling, not work.

There were many suppers when we as a young couple with young kids could only afford Dinty Moore beef stew and a potato for dinner. Surreal moment. This is why the pantries exist. As a typical young family, we could not always make ends meet. Arch needs food too.

This is why exists – all starting from a can of beef stew. Thank you for embracing the pantries. We love serving with you.

In future columns we will share more stories from neighbors about how your generosity served them in times of need. Be assured that the face of hunger in Hamilton County is not what you may think.

In practical terms, this simple way to help neighbors is having real impact on lives, families, and our communities. Thank you. A few meals can change the course of a person’s life. A can of green beans means so much more when you have nothing to feed your kids. Want to get involved? Go to

Mark and Lisa Hall are the Founders of Feeding Team. They may be reached at and or by calling (317) 832-1104.